The farther you go from civilization, the bigger the fish get.
Indonesia is made up of 17,000+ tiny islands.
We plan to explore them all.
Our focus on these trips is to find one, specific fish:
Dogtooth Tuna.
Giant Dogtooth Tuna.
But virtually all fish you normally find in Indonesia will be found here as well - except they’ll be much much bigger than what you normally see.
We’re constantly exploring new, promising locations. The fish in these spots have probably never seen humans before.
We will also be returning to places that we’ve already confirmed are epic.
The spots available on these trips are extremely limited - both for safety reasons, & because we want to keep the locations secret.
If you want to reserve a spot when a trip is announced, fill out the form below. We'll send an email to this list before announcing any upcoming trips on social media.
Or, if you want to set up a private trip, send us an email.